Pgyer internal test distribution service is a leading mobile application internal test distribution platform in China, dedicated to providing easy-to-use App internal test distribution services for mobile developers and test users.
Pgyer Developer Service Platform is committed to providing excellent upstream and downstream services for developers, addressing the various needs of developers throughout the developer life cycle.
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應用審核指南 中應用的軟件包類型包括:APK(Android應用)、IPA(iOS應用)。
請參見蒲公英 應用審核指南 以獲取完整的詳細信息。
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Currently, the real-name authentication has not been completed, and the number of downloads for each version is limited to 0 times/day, After real-name authentication, it can be extended to 500 times/day
TestFlight is only available to Professional users.(Click understand pgyer's price plan)
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